I would argue that meat-eating was most likely the original sin and that meat eating has and will continue to play a major role in future disease epidemics, pollution, and global warming. Scripture clearly shows God's desire to bring back the vegan/vegetarian diet He started out with in the beginning (Genesis 1:29-30) and plans to end with as described in Isaiah 11:6-9. You're not going to be slaughtering animals for food in the Kingdom of God (run by Jesus Christ) on earth as is made clear in verses 6-9. "They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain" shows us a final change for the better.
    It's my belief that the food God did not want Adam and Eve to eat was, in fact, meat and not a fruit or an apple from a "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" which is obviously a symbolic gesture on God's part. Notice how God made clothes from the skins of animals for Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden food. Genesis 3:21. Again, my belief is that God didn't kill those animals, but Adam and Eve did. God made those clothes for them as a form of punishment and a reminder to them that they did wrong by killing and eating the animals. They went beyond what God had established as the best diet for man.
    From then on, God has been on a mission to teach man how to eat meat in the healthiest way as is possible and to eventually teach man to not eat meat at all - due to its unhealthy properties and disease-causing side effects. In comes the laws forbidding the eating of blood and fat (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 3:17), animals found dead (Leviticus 7:24) and the eating of the clean animals as opposed to unclean ones which are more prone to disease. Leviticus 11. In unclean animals like swine, for instance, the fat is marbled into the meat making it very difficult to remove. The fat is where the toxins accumulate. See “Animal Fat”, below. The first time we see the fat removed and given to God as an offering is with Adam and Eve’s son Abel. Genesis 4:4. This is further evidence of meat-eating very early on and of God’s desire to teach fat removal. The animal sacrificial system also had its beginnings at this time.
    It’s highly probable that Noah and those on the Ark with him were eating meat with the blood still in it (fn1) and this caused God to permit meat eating on the condition of draining the blood. Genesis 9:1-4. The blood contains heme which is very unhealthy for human consumption. See, for example, “Heme Iron” and “The Safety of Heme vs. Non-Heme Iron”, below. God likely foresaw that man was not
going to give up meat eating easily and needed to be taught how to eat meat in the safest way possible in the short-term while He worked on the longer-term plan to end animal sacrifices (Psalm 51:16; Hosea 6:6; Matthew 9:12-13; 12:7) and meat eating outlined in Isaiah 11:6-9.
    Today, many can now see how crazy and deadly meat eating has become. Zoonotic diseases are rampant, and more are predicted for the future due to meat markets, factory farming and hunting animals for food. And, there’s always the risk of creating dangerous flesh-eating bacteria that’s resistant to antibiotics due to the excessive use of antibiotics in humans and in animal feed on factory farms. There’s also the threat of global warming and pollution created by factory farming. Below are links to more information on the problems created by meat eating.
    It’s interesting to note that the prophecy in Revelation 6:7-8 indicates the four horsemen have authority to kill by plagues and by wild beasts among other methods. The prophecy in Ezekiel 5:17 is also very similar saying: “I will send famine and wild beasts against you … Plague and bloodshed will sweep through you.” Could these plagues be tied to wild beasts being factory farmed or hunted for food? For instance, bats, monkeys, ducks, etc., are wild animals that have given us the coronavirus, ebola, HIV, bird flu, etc., when taken into captivity and used as food.  
     Is it possible God is using COVID-19 today to push more people in the direction of a meatless diet? It sure looks that way. Even if you believe that COVID-19 escaped from a laboratory in China doing “gain of function research”, you must understand that these scientists doing that type of research are manipulating animal viruses to become more lethal and transmissible to humans in the interests of prevention instead of allowing nature to take its course through micro-evolutionary change.
    God through the prophet Daniel shows us how we should avoid unclean food by eating a vegan/vegetarian diet. Daniel 1:8-16. Should we not do this today to avoid contaminated, factory farmed, meat and highly processed, sugarfied, junk foods that are harmful to human health and the environment? See, for example, Is Sugar Toxic?, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B56Gpf1f5_A&t=52s&ab_channel=CBSNews.


1. Notice the fear animals have of man after leaving Noah’s Ark (Genesis 9:2) compared with the peaceful co-existence of man and animals during Christ’s Millennial reign described in Isaiah 11:6-9. Also, notice that Noah had what was termed “livestock” on the Ark. Genesis 8:1. This is evidence of meat eating on the Ark and before the flood against God’s original orders in Eden to eat a vegan diet.

Supporting Links

Can we stop a future pandemic? Dr. Michael Greger M.D explains what's next

Dr. Greger REACTS To Covid-19 Chaos

Tough Questions For Tulsi Over Biden Support (at 15:24 into the video Tulsi Gabbard agrees the world has to change its meat eating habits to prevent future pandemics)

Dr. Greger Told Us About Coronavirus Risk In 2008

Coronavirus is just the start. Something far worse is coming

Dr John McDougall Explains Food And Climate Change — The Political Vigilante

Journalist goes undercover at "wet markets", where the Coronavirus started | 60 Minutes Australia

Why COVID-19 is hitting us now -- and how to prepare for the next outbreak | Alanna Shaikh

The Coronavirus Could Finally Kill the Wild Animal Trade, at

Report of the WHO/FAO/OIEjoint consultation on emerging zoonotic diseases

Neal Barnard, MD | Where Many Viruses Originate

Dr. McDougall’s Self-Help Approach to Saving Yourself from COVID-19

What Determines Coronavirus Survival?

Asthma and Coronavirus: How a Plant-Based Diet Could Help | Exam Room Podcast

Animal Fat

Heme Iron

The Safety of Heme vs. Non-Heme Iron

